James has been called “A bridge to spirituality” due to his all-American persona which brings ease to the many who are foreign and uncomfortable with the concepts of metaphysics, principals of quantum physics and workings of Energy Medicine.
James Kupczyk
Practitioner / Founder, Mindful Market
James Kupczyk accepts with every fiber in his being that anything is possible. His mind has been conditioned since an early age to believe that any ailment is curable. "The infinite intelligence of our body and its ability to heal itself is amazing!"
James uses principles of quantum physics along with advanced, proven, self-developed techniques to remove energetic imbalances which enables his clients to realize their true peak performance. This peak performance can be in general health and well-being or any profession one chooses to engage in.
Peers suggest James might be one of the most gifted practitioners on this planet.
Hands-On Healing

James is certified in Quantum Touch™. Quantum Touch™ is a form of healing touch.
Healing Touch is an energy therapy in which practitioners consciously use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Healing Touch is a complementary (or integrative) energy therapy that can be used in conjunction with traditional therapies. Healing Touch utilizes light or near-body touch to clear, balance and energize the human energy system in an effort to promote healing for the mind, body and/or spirit.
Remote Healing

Remote Healing is an energetic healing process done through Quantum Physics Principles. In scientific circles this is known as non-local healing. It is a proven scientific fact that this method of healing is extremely effective. Harvard University holds seminars in non-local healing.
Long Distance Healing works according to Quantum Physics. In Quantum, everything is connected. Everything is part of a continuous whole. Distance is not a factor.
Proactive Peak Performance

Proactive Peak Performance (P3), founded by James Kupczyk, is a unique, break-through concept in conditioning that uses principles of Quantum Physics and energy based therapies in order to provide athletes and professionals with a competitive advantage and realization of true peak performance.
Whether you are a professional athlete, actor/actress, lawyer, executive etc. - P3 will help you, guaranteed.
Take your performance to the next level with Energy-T’s.
The world’s first chi infused t-shirt

James is the founder of Mindful Market
What is Mindful Market?
Mindful Market is the world's only marketplace designed to connect you to products and services that enrich your well-being and your life.