Each service is specifically designed and performed by James himself to ensure that you have the best experience possible.
Hands-on Healing
James is certified in Quantum Touch™. Quantum Touch™ is a form of Healing Touch.Healing Touch is an energy therapy in which practitioners consciously use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Healing Touch is a complementary (or integrative) energy therapy that can be used in conjunction with traditional therapies. Healing Touch utilizes light or near-body touch to clear, balance and energize the human energy system in an effort to promote healing for the mind, body and/or spirit.
The goal of Healing Touch is to restore harmony and balance in the human energy system by creating an optimal environment for the body’s innate tendency for healing to occur.
Research studies suggest that there are a variety of benefits from Healing Touch. Preliminary studies have shown results that include reduction in pain, anxiety and stress; providing support during chemotherapy and surgery; improved mood; and reduced effects from trauma and chronic pain. Other benefits of Healing Touch found in a research study included providing additional support when withdrawing from substance abuse, enhancement of the immune system and a deeper sense of spiritual connection.
James has worked on well over 700 clients since certification more than ten years ago. James currently uses a combination of Quantum Touch™ and advanced, unique, proven, self-developed techniques which he has developed over the years. James is the practitioner or conduit who, without ego, connects with the client (the true “healer”), removes energetic imbalances and helps the client achieve peak well-being. He has some wonderful and quite unbelievable stories concerning clients healing themselves from a myriad of ailments.

Remote Healing
Remote Healing, is an energetic healing process done through Quantum Physics Principles. In scientific circles this is known as non-local healing. It is a proven scientific fact that this method of healing is extremely effective. Harvard University holds seminars in non-local healing.We live in interesting times. The nature of health care is changing dramatically as we move through the 21st century. Deepak Chopra wrote, “To promote the healing response, you must get past all of the grosser levels of the body – cells, tissues, organs and systems, and arrive at a junction point between mind and matter, the point where consciousness actually starts to have an effect”.
Long Distance Healing works according to Quantum Physics. In Quantum, everything is connected. Everything is part of a continuous whole. Distance is not a factor.
James has the ability to connect energies and remove energetic imbalances with pure focused intent on total well being (physical, emotional & spiritual), balance, love & gratitude.
It is a medically proven fact that prayer heals. How does prayer reach the right person? By intent. How does all energy healing done at a distance reach the right person? By intent and the connection to your own unique frequencies. Your subconscious mind has total access to your history, and your subconscious mind is part of the unified field of consciousness which we are all connected to. Intent to connect and tune into your special being and frequencies makes it so.

Proactive Peak Performance (P3)
Proactive Peak Performance, founded by James Kupczyk, is a unique, break-through concept in sports and personal conditioning that uses principles of Quantum Physics and energy based therapies in order to provide athletes and professionals with a competitive advantage and realization of true peak performance. Energy imbalances are removed thus maximizing the clients current conditioning regimen. Possible results include: enhanced competitive performance, improved sleep patterns, higher consciousness, greater awareness, increased clarity, better decision making, improved communication, reduction in anxiety, shorter recovery time. These results usually lead to overall enjoyment of the particular sport or profession. James has worked on a number of professional athletes and top executives. The possibilities are limitless in this new, holistic and progressive field of metaphysical conditioning. In a world with ever-increasing competition, any edge is advantageous.Whether you are a professional athlete, actor/actress, lawyer, executive etc. – P3 will help you be your best, guaranteed or your money back
I worked with James and took his advice for a recent triathlon. If you are not familiar with the half iron-man distance it’s a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run. I have done these races before. Not a newbie. I did train well for the race this season but was facing some tough conditions; hilly, hot and very windy. James focused on my strength, focus and ability to enjoy the day for what it is. The day before James suggested I wear the energy T to sleep in. I did. Got a solid 7 hours of restful sleep and was ready to rock. Not typical the night before a race. James also “connected” and was able to detect some freaky things in sending me the extra edge I needed before the race. I’ll just leave at that. What happened on race day? I enjoyed the morning of the race. Took it all in, was relaxed and focused. I enjoyed the sunrise, the atmosphere and the beauty of being able to do these crazy races. I had the fastest and strongest swim ever. The bike was a success. Wind did not get in my head and the hills were not a challenge for me. Note: I worked hard this season on bike strength and it paid off. I was able to maintain a strong pace and never cramped or felt fatigued. The run was tough. Hilly and very hot. Given the conditions I did the best I could. BUT, enjoyed the race and kept focused on the experience. Call it training, call it progressive. Proactive Peak Performance and meta-physical conditioning is a great way to put the positive energy in your brain you need to fight through challenging athletic competition. Coming into this race I must admit I was ready to compete but also ready for a break. Triathlon has its way of preparing your body but can be mentally very taxing. A regular job plus 10-15 hours a week of training is tough. James helped me to see the next phase after the race. Enjoy the day, stay in shape for the fun of it and do what makes you happy. That actually drove me harder during the race. The energy-T was also worn to sleep the 2 nights after the race. Your legs usually feel hammered from these races. I recovered very quickly. In 3 days I was fine and back on the bike easy spinning to flush out my legs. Call it coincidence, nutrition or conditioning. It can’t hurt and I recovered fast!
Thanks James. Please send your energy my way anytime before I race!David Szen
I took a metaphysical and holistic approach to David’s training. I stressed mindfulness and racing in the present, taking in the whole experience and put somewhat less emphasis on the outcome (knowing that he had trained hard and would do fine). I connected, metaphysically, with David the night prior to the race and just before race time- transforming any energy imbalances in order to attain true peak performance. David trained hard for this event- I believe P3 gave him that extra edge and dimension needed to really enjoy the race and maximize his efforts. – Jim