Energy T in the Spotlight

On the night I received the Energy T from Jim I decided to wear it to bed that night. I thought I would give it a try as I knew I had a heavy day ahead of me but would be getting little sleep (sound familiar?), I have to say that as soon as I crawled into my bed and began to relax I immediately noticed a sort of tingling feeling starting from the center of the shirt, and then branching out through my shoulders and chest. I was wondering if I had made a mistake to try the shirt and sleep in it, but I have to say that I slept great..although very lightly…I remember having very vivid dreams and being aware of both my dreams and physical surroundings while sleeping. So after only a short few hours of sleep I woke up feeling strangely ready for my day and felt relatively focused. I only slept about 5 hours as I recall. Normally if I knew that I would be faced with just a few hours of sleep and knew I had a long day ahead I would wake up completely dragging and unrefreshed..This wasn’t the case that day. I simply got out of bed and went about my routine and went ahead of my day as if I had a normal night’s sleep and a normal day..I didn’t feel any pressure of duty or task..I simply just felt grounded and somewhat balanced. I have had the shirt now for over a month and don’t even focus on it anymore, I simply just wear it, and in the moth that I have had the shirt I have noticed a subtle but consistent change in my general attitude and general mental and physical health. Overall I feel more balanced, and more focused on my daily tasks, and more relaxed in the face of the ever changing landscape that is the life of a professional international musician, and music manager….I fully support Jim, and the Energy T! Geno McManus -Buffalo NY
Geno McManus (International composer, producer, and noted performer, winner of several music awards.)-

“The essence of life is the energy of the mind and its wealth of power to drive, inspire and heal all woes. With the knowledge of how you are going to use it, propels what you want and what it will take to reach your goals by maintaining crystal clear focus.” – Goldie Hawn
I am honored that Goldie wears her white/white Energy T to yoga, as it lifts her spirits and helps her concentration. 20% of the proceeds of sales of the white Energy T will be sent to “The Hawn Foundation” which develops programs to help children find happiness and success in school and life.

I was happy to hear, through a mutual friend, that Hugh Jackman was wearing his Black Energy T backstage before the opening of “Hugh Jackman, Back on Broadway”. My friend called me and was ecstatic, saying the Energy T helps him to focus and get into character. 20% of the proceeds of sales of the black Energy T will be sent to Urban Zen, a foundation that Hugh supports. The Urban Zen Foundation creates, connects and collaborates to raise awareness and inspire change in the areas of well-being, preserving cultures and empowering children in mind, body and spirit.